Martinus Johannes VAN GENT (RIN: 10018), son of Wihelmus Johannes VAN GENT and Maria Catharina KRAMER , was born 06 March 1815 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands. He married Elisabeth Theresia STOCKMANN 13 June 1841 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands. He died 09 June 1856 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Elisabeth Theresia STOCKMANN (RIN: 9931) was born 1818 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands. She died 1847 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.

Children of Martinus Johannes VAN GENT and Elisabeth Theresia STOCKMANN are:
1. Eduard VAN GENT (RIN: 9990), b. 1847
2. Maria Theresa VAN GENT (RIN: 10017), b. 1844
3. Stillborn VAN GENT (RIN: 10024)
4. Wilhelmus August VAN GENT (RIN: 10029), b. 1842 See Wilhelmus August VAN GENT & Lisette Maria Francisca VEERKAMP

Other Marriages/Unions for Martinus Johannes VAN GENT:
See Martinus Johannes VAN GENT & Maria Anna Francisca SCHRODER OR Martinus Johannes VAN GENT & Maria Anna Theresa VOSS

Notes for Martinus Johannes VAN GENT:

Notes for Elisabeth Theresia STOCKMANN:

Notes for Eduard VAN GENT:

Notes for Maria Theresa VAN GENT: