Yde JENSEN (RIN: 884), son of Jens YDESEN and Maren NIELSDATTER , was born 01 November 1723 in Vejby, Børglum, Hjørring, Denmark. He died May 1777 in Stensburg, Børglum, Hjørring, Denmark.

Other Marriages/Unions for Yde JENSEN:

Notes for Yde JENSEN:

Sources for Yde JENSEN:

  1. Family History Database, File Number 447799Reference 15672
  2. Arkivalier Online, Børglum-Vejby-Furreby 1720-1804, opslag 288 (Vejby)
  3. Børglum Kloster's sk.pro, G 35-59 s.749 of 26. aug.1777Begravet: 13 Maj 1777
  4. AO: Børglum-Vejby-Furreby, 1720-1804, record 162, Death record for Yde Jensen 1777D: 19 Maj: Yde Jens: paa Stenberg á æt: ?--? Aar = May 19th: Yde Jensen at Stenberg [buried] at the age of ?--?).Kenneth Konrad Knudsen note: “Stenberg” is not an official place name in Børglum Parish so I guess the name refers to the name of the farm. The name literally means “stone hill” or “stoney hill” – the farm was probably placed on a hill top, and had soil with lots of stones.
  5. Ancestry.com Family Tree by Gerda Jensen, Denmark, Family Tree of Niels Ydesen