James Dale JORGENSON (RIN: 250), son of Melvin Ernest JORGENSON and Living JENSEN , was born 03 December 1948 in Marshall, Minnesota, USA. He died 20 December 1998 in WA.

Children of James Dale JORGENSON and are:
1. Living JORGENSON (RIN: 254)

Other Marriages/Unions for James Dale JORGENSON:
See James Dale JORGENSON & Mary

Notes for James Dale JORGENSON:

Sources for James Dale JORGENSON:

  1. Genealogy of the Brossoit Family,
  2. Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002, Database online.Record for James Dale Jorgenson
  3. Social Security Death Index, Database online.Record for James D. Jorgenson
  4. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006, Database online.Record for James Dale Jorgenson